Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Mayor of Glen Eira elected

Last night Wednesday the 14th December Cr. Jamie Hyams was elected the new Mayor of Glen Eira for the next twelve months.

I congratulate Cr. Hyams on his appointment and wish him all the best for the coming year. He has certainly demonstrated a real passion and commitment to local govt with a knowledge second to none of processes and legalities- a very deserving and well earned appointment.

All Councillors in their Mayoral welcome speeches acknowledged the outstanding effort and contribution of the outgoing Mayor, Cr Margaret Esakoff.

I was fortunate and appreciative to be elected Deputy Mayor.


  1. Spare us the niceties, Cr. Hyam is a problem to democracy in Glen Eira the sooner he is gone the better.

  2. Congratulations, Councillor, on your appointment. I wish you well in your new role.

    Relevant to your earlier notice on the high gambling figures for this electorate, I find it ironic that the election was decided on the toss of a coin - a game of chance. There must be a better way.

  3. Congratulations on your election as Deputy Mayor. But on a coin toss? In any case, it's fantastic news!

  4. thanks anom - the mayoralty was decided by a coin toss after a split vote - I was elected deputy-mayor by a majority vote.
