Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GESAC - basketball - last night

At tonight's Council meeting (Tues Dec 13) item 12.8 GESAC Multi-Use Courts was considered by council in the in-camera (confidential) section of the meeting.

I would have liked the item considered in the public section of the meeting but accepted that on further advice this would be difficult to do without compromising the integrity (the separation of the legal and contractual elements) of the item and any subsequent decision.

Both Cr. Magee and myself explained this to the many in the gallery and thanked everyone for attending and taking an interest on this important issue.

The outcome of this item will be made public soon.

1 comment:

  1. All this secrecy is very hard to understand, Was it necessary?
    It's like council is hiding things
    Surly at some stage this has to be curtailed.
