Friday, September 2, 2011

Environment Forum held last Wednesday

The Glen Eira Community Environment forum an annual event was held last Wednesday night at the Town Hall.

Whilst the numbers in attendance were slightly less than in previous years the interest, expertise and passion was as high as ever!

Five broad themes were canvassed and discussed with valuable input from all present.
They were greenhouse emissions, waste management, biodiversity, water conservation and community education.
The issues surrounding these important aspects were highlighted and prioritised.

The feeling amongst many of those present was that Glen Eira is making significant progress compared to several years ago and that the level of discussion and input from the community is now more highly recognised and valued.

One of new initiatives will be a forum solely on biodiversity scheduled for early 2012.

All the suggestions and priorities raised at the forum will be assessed by the environment committee for possible recommendation to Council as part of next years Environmental Sustainabilty Strategy (ESS).


  1. I would have to agree with you Cr. The forum was relaxed and friendly and worthwhile.

    In the past the Council staff at the forums were some what defensive when it came to the enviro side of Glen Eira, but a few years on, scores are on the board. I would say, progress is a wonderful thing.

    It was amazing how many folks at that forum want to see a community veg area in Glen Eira. I think it scored more number one stickers than anything else.

  2. I did not attend, Councillor, because over time I have come to realise that attending public forums in GE is a waste of time. GESAC is a lost cause environmentally. We will now wait to see how the newest sports pavillion shapes up.
