Friday, June 17, 2011

GESAC - local basketball association misses out

As has been reported recently in our local papers the local Mckinnon Basketball Association has not been awarded the weekend usage rights for the new Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic centre in Bentleigh.

This decision was taken at an admin/officer delegated level not by Councillors -
However myself and other crs are certainly very concerned that the usage of a new rate-payer funded facility has been awarded to an out of municipality association - the Oakleigh Warriors

I would certainly prefer to see our local families and kids benefit from this excellent new facilty- at last Tues weeks council meeting the following motion was passed- I will certainly be working hard in the coming weeks for a better outcome for local families,


Crs Magee/Pilling

“That Officers report to Council on the awarding of the use of GESAC basketball courts. This report should include details of requests for Expressions of Interest letters offers and acceptances copies of draft contracts, and responds to the claims contained in the letter by James Cody Treasurer of the McKinnon Basketball Association of the 1st June 2011 and should also cover the capacity of the Oakleigh Warriors to honour their commitment.

2. That the report include by way of separate appendix a copy of the proposed contractual terms to Oakleigh Warriors and Council not submit any written contract to Oakleigh Warriors until Council has considered same.

3. That this resolution be incorporated in the public minutes of this meeting, and

4. The report should include the cost of hire of like courts at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre.”

Crs Hyams/Tang

In part four delete the word ‘at’ and replace with the word ‘including’.

The AMENDMENT was put and CARRIED on the casting vote of the Chairperson and on becoming the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION was again put and CARRIED unanimously.


  1. Truly amazing, that motion is really taking the stick to those bureaucrats. What kind of CEO would allow such an outrage to be hatched by his underlings. The sooner Mr Newton packs his bags a walks into retirement the better. I sincerely question his standards as a administrator. Maybe the next motion could be one to dismiss him.

  2. It truly is a great project taking shape and belongs to the Community!
    Thanks for having the process investigated but it really is a shame that Newton, Bourke & Co couldn't see past the bag of fools gold offered by the Warriors.

  3. An organisations tender processes should be aligned with and designed to meet the organisations objectives. I would hope that Glen Eira Council's objectives include "to serve the best interest of the Glen Eira community with integrity and in a financially reponsible manner". The priorities withing this objective may also be in the order as stated. Financial errors, I may forgive. Minor lapses of integrity, I might forget. To not serve the communities best interest... You should not be in council.

    GESAC: Majority funded by GE community, other funding obtained with the support of GE community, it should be primarily used by the GE community. Visitors and guest are most welcome, but it is GE-SAC.

    Thank you for listening and acting on the communities cries.
