Monday, February 8, 2010

Important Community Consultation meetings next week

Next week there will be several community consultation meetings held throughout the municipality regarding the future planning and provision of Kindergartens in Glen Eira and to review the progress of the GE Bicycling strategy -see earlier postings.

I would encourage everyone to come along and provide input into these important issues. The current demand for kindergarten places well exceeds what is presently available. With new Fed and State govt plans to increase the hours provided for 4 year olds from 10 to 15 per week, there is an urgent need to plan and advocate for future facilities. Details as advertised below-


Consultation session to report on the key findings to date will be held

Thursday 25 February at 7pm

Glen Eira Town Hall — Caulfield Cup Room, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield.


The Council of Australian Government's (COAG) National Early Childhood Development Strategy aims to increase universal access to four-year-old kindergarten from 10 hours per week to 15. Council recently received funding from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) to undertake a planning role to assist the State Government in planning its response.Council will hold three community consultations sessions to inform the planning process to implement the new changes.

Wednesday 24 February 1pm–3pm

Carnegie Library and Community Centre — Boyd Room 7 Shepparson Avenue, Carnegie

Wednesday 24 February 7.30pm–9pm

Glen Eira Town Hall — TheatretteCorner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield

Thursday 25 February 7.30pm–9pm

McKinnon Public Hall 118 McKinnon Road, McKinnon

Residents are also encouraged to recieve the new Glen Eira community consultation e-newsletter which was a recent initiative initiated by the consultation committee and accepted by council. The link to this is at


  1. Hey Neil what's happened to your intention of holding a ward forum with all ward councillors present at the end of this month? Has this fallen by the wayside? Have you been gagged? Stomped on? Or is it simply that us, the poor pubic (no spelling mistake!) don't have anything worthwhile to contribute?

  2. thanks anom - a rosstown ward forum has been organised for late march and I will post all the details soon, regards Neil
