Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Chief Executive Officer and The City of Glen Eira- the position and the future

The Chief Executive Officer [CEO] of Glen Eira, Mr. Andrew Newton's five year contract will finish in April 2010. Provisions under the Local Government Act states Council must vote and give notice to either re-appoint or advertise his position in the six months before this term ends.

The CEO is the most senior role in the administration and the only one that council has the responsibility to appoint.

I believe that this position should always be advertised at the end of each contracted term. This should help to deliver to the residents of Glen Eira the best possible CEO through an open and transparent process.This is what our community deserve.

Renewal and change are an important part of any organisation and The City of Glen Eira should be no exception.


  1. A decade, with the potential for a further five year reign at the helm of any multimillion dollar organisation flies in the face of current management theory and can only be counterproductive. The past decade has seen the entrenchment of a corporate mentality that is widely seen by residents as anti consultative, non transparent, and one which refuses to be accountable to ratepayers. It is definitely time that a new CEO took the reins.

  2. yes, this is an important issue that needs to be resolved in an open and transparent way. glen eira should search out for the best available people experienced in local government as well as relevant to glen eira residents and ratepayers.

  3. In response to a public question on November 10, 2008 - 11 potentially new Councillors as Candidates gave an undertaking they supported the advertising of the CEO's position when the current contract expired.

    I am on public record as saying that Mr Newton would have to have stiff competition, to find a person more qualified than him financially, but in spite of that, residents and Council need to know they have the very best available to meet the current expectations of residents.

    It is not to say that his contribution to the financial wellbeing of Council is lacking, but we won't know what alternatives, in addition to financial acumen are available until the skill pool is tested.

  4. Andrew Newton is the John Howard of Glen Eira.

  5. Win or lose Mr. Newton needs to be compete for this position. Glen Eira is not a "club" for his wants.

    Personally I would like to pass on my expressions for a more community minded CEO who would show some understanding of the community. Sadly Mr. Newton has shown almost none of that kind of behavior. Maybe its time to pass the baton to someone with more progressive ideas.

    Mr. Newton's, self promoted fame as a good financial manager is very hollow, he has done nothing more than strip the city of assets to balance the books in his terms as CEO. These lost assets will cost us dearly in the years to come. And no doubt he will be long gone.

  6. it's easy to be a 'low cost council' as we're repeatedly told when everything is sold off - land, housing, etc. Under Newton, Glen Eira has sold off more land than the vast majority of other councils. Services have also been abandoned - how many kindergartens does council own and operate? I want a CEO who finally cares about service and citizens' views, not someone who is hellbent on 'balancing books' at the cost of improving the wellbeing of residents.

  7. Full marks to you for insisting the position is advertised. It will be intersting to see how many other councillors support you. We deserve to get the best available candidate.

    It is pleasing to have a genuinely independent community based councillor.

    Keep up the good work.


  8. A bit harsh to liken anyone to John Howard, mate, least of all, Andrew Newton! On a scale of one to 10 the difference has to a 9!

  9. to Concerned Resident - i am very happy to post any of your comments that dont contain
    personally disparaging remarks regards Neil

  10. I do not understand? If one has a different view to you then you define those remarks as being "personally diparaging."

  11. Thats not the case CR , i welcome all different points of view - what i object to and wont publish is comments that use words like 'losers' etc to describe myself or fellow contributers-

  12. Well said Neil. We had a divided Council with some Councillors believing they could do or say anything they liked. One of them resorted to physical violence and abuse to residents. Hopefully we are beyond that and the Council works as a team to benefit Glen Eira community. Your reporting and comments to you are important means of communicating with your constituents openly and transparently. I notice that Cr Lipshutz has also a website Good to see. Hopefully we have more such sites. Daniel

  13. I don;t understand what the previous blog has to do with the CEO.

  14. Cr what I fail to comprehend is if you have a CEO who the Council is satisfied with, then why cannot you consider reappointment. It is a fact, as Cr Hyams has pointed out that if you decide to advertise the position in most cases the incumbant will not reapply. Again the municipaliy is going to go through a period of instability so that your curiosity can be satisfied. What if you appoint a dud.

  15. I think we both agree that GE deserves the best qualified CEO possible.

    I believe the best method to ensure this in an open and accountable manner is to advertise the position
    and consider carefully all applications on their merit.

    It is a question of good process and governence not curiosity that leads me to take this view

  16. Did you know that following Amalgamation there was such an uproar from Councils that the Local Government Act was altered to allow Councils to reappoint their CEO. In my opinion you are failing in your duty to at the very least , listen to your fellow Councillors and then with an open mind decide on reappointing the CEO or risk losing him. That is good process and governance. Are you saying you have a closed mind on this issue and that following discussion with your colleagues you will never reconsider. Also,even if you reappoint then this should only be done following a lengthy process. I must say I am extreely dissapointed if your views are fixed.

  17. Thanks anomymous for your further comment.

    I have simply stated my belief about what I feel is the most accountable and open process to deliver the best outcome for the people of GE. My mind is certainly open to all views as it is on this and all issues. However, it is my strong belief that all Councils should seek to secure the very best CEO willing to work with them. No matter how well an incumbent may have performed there is always the possibility that someone potentially better could be interested in doing the job. Council should properly test the market in this regard. If there is to be "a lengthy process" that leads to reappointment that process should involve seeking other candidates.

  18. If tens of thousands of dollars can be spent (and many would argue 'wasted') on the employment of 'consulting firms', that basically provide the answers that administrators want, then it is equally important that Glen Eira spends this money on determining who is the best person to run the administrative ship. This is money well spent - in contrast to the tens of thousands that are squandered in self promotion and propaganda.
