Sunday, June 14, 2009

CAR - LESS in Glen Eira - on your BIKE!

On a lighter note many would recognise my red commodore around the neighbourhood ,it having been a regular on the election circuit these past few years.

Over the past months it has been increasingly showing signs of old age wear and tear to the point where it has been assigned to the great car recycling plant in the sky- After the 23/6 I wont be replacing it , can get access to four wheels now and then for those election drop-offs and kids taxi service.

Instead will be investing in a quality cycle and saving money and approx 4 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year!


  1. What a time to pick Neil, biking in this weather is for the polar bears!

  2. I commend your commitment and dedication to reducing your impact on the environment by sacrificing convenience and choosing bike over car. Best leaders prove by example. You may be interested to know that diet impacts greatly on the environment. Farmed animal produce more greenhouse gas emissions (18%) than the worlds entire transport systems (13.5%). So get on your bike AND go vegetarian…
