Sunday, March 24, 2013

Protecting the remaining remant redgums of Glen Eira

At the last Council meeting Cr Sounness called for a report which I was very pleased to support.

11.1 Requests for reports from Officers
(a) Crs Sounness/Lobo

Given the recent loss of two significant mature river red gum trees(Eucalyptus camaldulensis) on Duncan Mackinnon Reserve, I request a report on how Council protects the remnant indigenous tree population on Council managed land.

The report should provide a general overview of how Council manages significant trees in its parks and provide specific detail on the health,form and expected safe useful life of the following mature river red gums trees:

1) 2x at Elster Creek Trail – Bentleigh
2) 1x Booran Road reservoir –Glen Huntly
3) 2x Wattle Grove Reserve – Ormond
4) 1x Greenmeadows Garden – North Caulfield
5) 1x Rosstown Woodland - Carnegie

The report should also detail strategies Council uses to prolong the life of its significant trees and how Council preserves local provenance of its indigenous trees stock when replacing old trees.
The MOTION was put and CARRIED unanimously.

Comment - Along with those listed above and in Boyd Park Murrumbeena,there are very few of these significant species left in our parklands -the loss of the two trees at Duncan Mckinnon in January was unfortunate. Extensive rot in several main branches had raised safety concerns given the close proximty to the jogging track and car park. Will look forward to the outcome of this report especially any means where Council can better protect these trees through preventative measures.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New school pedestrian crossing for Murrumbeena

Over the past few weeks it has been very pleasing to witness many parents and school children using the new crossing on Murrumbeena rd at the Dandenong rd intersection to access several local primary schools.

In reponse to concerns raised late last year about the lack of a safe crossing I met with a group of parents before Xmas on this issue- At the February council meeting Crs unamiously endorsed a proposal to fund this new crossing and provide a safer pathway for those families living on the western side of M/beena rd and thus encourage more to walk.

Whilst full credit goes to the parent group for raising this issue, I would like to see our Council play a more pro-active role in eliminating any pedestrian 'black holes' like this one. The walking strategy being developed this year will provide a good opportunity for improvements to be made.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Carnegie Pool - securing the pool's future

One of the issues that was highlighted amongst many candidates including myself during the recent Council elections was the urgent need to upgrade the aging Carnegie pool.

In 2010 I initiated a motion in the chamber to address this. The amended motion passed at that time noted the significance of this issue but adopted a wait and see approach till after GESAC had opened and attendance figures could be viewed.

The attendance figures at Carnegie so far this summer have been quite high showing no decrease even though GESAC has been open for almost one year.

There have been some intial discussions on this issue; it has been very encouraging that overwhelmingly this new Councillor group is keen to upgrade and improve this important community facility,with timing and funding yet to be determined>.