Thanks to everyone who has read the postings throughout the year.
This blog has been going since mid 09 (122 postings so far)and during that time I have endeavoured to write interesting articles on a range of council and community issues. This year it has been particularily useful in outlining my views and presenting alternative perspectives on several important issues in particular the GESAC basketball issue and childcare in general.
It is easy for individual Councillors' voices to be lost amongst the uniformity of Council life- I feel it is important that residents hear the views of those they have elected whilst still being an integral part of the Cr. group. It is possible to do such that and I have worked hard to achieve both!
As Dylan mused 'the times they are a changin'" - The whole outdated mid-nineties economic rationalist (ie Kennett era) approach that has led to such poor community decisions as on the basketball allocation at GESAC and sending childcare fees into the stratosphere are testement to the need for key directional changes in the future.
Will look forward to a productive 2012!,
Merry Christmas
Thanx Neil, it's good having a genuine caring person on council. Let hope next year brings some better outcomes for Glen Eira. It's a long haul, but the "times are a changing",in many ways. Which is good, because we need better ways.