Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bicycle Strategy Consultation meeting this WED 25/11

Council has arranged two public meetings for community input into a new GE Bicycle Strategy. Come along to these meetings to make a difference, and if you cannot make it, contact the consultant ,council , or our local GE bicycle group to ensure your ideas and proposals are included.

Whether you want bike markings down your street, bike parking outside your shop, programs for schools, facilities for commuters, training programs for cyclists, or something else, this is your chance to have your proposals heard and included.

Pass the word around as well and bring your friends and families.

Public meeting details:
· 7pm Thurs 19 Nov, Packer Park Hall, Leila Road, Carnegie
· 7pm Wed 25 Nov, DC Bricker Pavilion, Princes Park, Beech St, Caulfield

Glen Eira Bicycle Advisory Group: (gebag@melbournite.com) Paul Henry (0417 324 831) and Helen Millicer (0413 875 872)
Consultant: SKM, contact Jo Neale on 9248 3208 or jneal@skm.com.au

1 comment:

  1. No one decries the importance of cycling and the creation of facilities for cyclists. What I do protest strongly about is the lack of enforcement of basic courtesy and road rules. Pedestrians still outnumber cyclists in the area, yet repeatedly adults and teenagers race past pedestrians without ringing their bells, at breakneck speed, and without the common courtesy of saying 'thank you' when we move off the path to let them through. How many pedestrians need to be knocked over before council or the police start enforcing speed limits, the wearing of helmets, clear signage and fining those who don't possess bells on their bikes or lights at night. Will it take a fatality before this council acts and ensures the safety of its frail and elderly who also like to use paths in parks.
