Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Suggestions and Ideas Part 2 - Community Forum 27/7

This is the second part of this article with comments noted on the progress on bringing some of these worthwhile improvements to council.

EMail subscription service for residents that would contain a sypnosis of the upcoming council agenda with links enabling people to scan deeper for more detail if required. Also suggested that there should be a place for public letters on the website for residents to express their views.

Community Notice Boards in council facilties and other sites in the muncipality- comment - both the email sypnosis and notice board ideas were discussed recently at a community consultation committee meeting with recommendations forthcoming

Notice of Motion- Concerns were raised that Glen Eira unlike the vast majority of councils in Victoria ,doesnt have a 'notice of motion' option in its local law or in the proposed draft. This is a procedure where Councillors may ensure that an item is listed on councils agenda. comment-with submissions on the GEs Local Law Draft due by the 29/9 this will quite probably be one of the important issues raised to be discussed by council

Vision - There was a feeling from participants about the need for a visioning process in GE that residents can be involved in and positively contribute in relation to how our municipality and council will develop into the future.

footnote - there was a response to some issues raised at this forum from Cr Tang that i believe were misquoted in the Leader- from my experience Steven has continuelly shown to be interested and open to ways of improving community consultation.

1 comment:

  1. Putting more council business - especially upcoming business online - would be fantastic. Relying on the Council newspaper - how often dos it come out? monthly? - is not very conducive to getting involved or even knowing what's going on.
