Hello thanks for taking the time to check out my site.
a bit about myself and experiences had-
Ive been a councillor at Glen Eira for over four years now and have enjoyed the challenges council life presents.
As well I work p/time for a local sports and physio wholesaler doing everything and anything from despatch to purchasing.
Probably the most physical and exotic work was as a trekking guide in Nepal - amazing times! Spending a fair amt of time in the third world has I think shaped how i view all worlds
- Doing some almost exploratory solo trips into the remote traditional regions of Borneo during the nineties was a real privelage. This was at a time before these regions had been cleared or logged-true 'adat' lifestyle.
Blowpipes, wild boar and debates with missionaries!
Other adventures include being involved in the Franklin River blockade in Tasmania- scouting upriver before the first protests and almost being bitten by a startled copperhead in the middle of nowhere.