Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Wealth of History in Glen Eira

Last Friday along with Cr. Tang I had the pleasure of visiting the new premises of the Glen Eira Historical Society in Glenhuntly.

Previously housed in a single room in buildings in East Boundary rd ,where the new sports and aquatic centre (gesac) is being built ,the society now has a far more suitable location . John and Felicity from the society gave us a tour of the premises as well as explaining the valuable work being conducted there - all by volunteers at present.

There is a wealth of information and artifacts stored there relating to the early history of our municipality that can be accessed by the public. One of the challenges has been to catalogue and digitise all that has been collected over the years.

At the next council meeting this Tuesday 2nd Feb in Item 9.7 council will consider funding options that will enable the society to further improve and assist in the work it performs.This is in response to a recent review initiated by council that recommended important priorities to be acted on.

Explanations and details can be viewed at

The society is located at 965 Glenhuntly rd Glenhuntly- visitors and volunteers most welcome!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcoming our newest Glen Eira citizens

Belated New Year greetings to all! Hope everyone had an enjoyable break.

The first council meeting will be on Tuesday Feb 2nd with activities and events getting into full swing next week.

One of the most enjoyable events as a councillor to attend is the regular Citizenship Ceromonies that take place every 6-8 weeks throughout the year. These nights are certainly an important event to celebrate, acknowledge and welcome our newest citizens. This Australia Day approximately two hundred residents at the town hall will become Australian citizens.

For many this is the culmination of a long journey and it is always a pleasure to be be a part of this ceromony and chat with participants over refreshments after.

- The diversity and cultural heritage of all in our community in Glen Eira is certainly something to be celebrated and valued!