Best wishes to everyone for a safe and merry Christmas.
Thanks to all who have made comment and shown interest in the issues raised here.
I will be back online early in the new year with a ny resolution to provide for a better and
improved blog!
Cheers Neil
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Carnegie Pool - example of how other councils are upgrading
the below article is an recent item in the Flinders News South Australia
03 Dec, 2009 01:49 PM
"The Port Pirie City Pool was originally opened on November 18, 1964 .
The facility had reached the end of its useful life and had started to show signs of its age.
More specifically, the pool had dropped at one end, it looked tired, pipe work under the pool used for filtration purposes had corroded and was blocked, tiles on the floor of the pool had constantly lifted, and the pool was leaking a significant amount of water.
Port Pirie Regional Council formed a working party comprising a representative from the Port Pirie Swimming Club, the contract manager of the pool, elected members and council staff to investigate the options for the pool and to report back to council on their recommendations.
The working party’s report said council was not in a financial position to replace the pool completely and therefore recommended a call for expression of interests to undertake a major refurbishment of the existing pool.
Council subsequently called for expression of interests for this project in December, 2008. At the same time, the Australian Government announced its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program which would see Port Pirie Regional Council receive $635,000 for eligible projects. Council resolved to use these funds exclusive for the refurbishment of the City pool.
The refurbishment includes:
– Relining the 50m pool in a water-tight manner
– Provide a level deck edge
– Instal new inlet and return lines
– Renew or replace existing balance tank
– Maintain an accredited 50m pool
– Provide seven lanes in about a 15m width
– Provide better access to the pool, via steps, to those with limited mobility
The successful contractor has placed a new aluminium “Murtha” pool into the existing concrete shell of the old pool.
While council is using the existing pool structure, the end result will be a new modern pool. In fact, the “Murtha” pool being installed at Port Pirie is no different from a large number that have been installed in greenfield sites around the world, including at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games.
The total cost of this project is about $986,000 with council receiving a $635,000 grant from the Australian Government as part of its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. The project commenced at the end of the 2008-09 swimming season and will be completed ready for the start of the 2009-10 season.
In addition to the refurbishment, council will also take the opportunity to complete a number of other minor improvements around the city pool including:
– Provision of additional shaded areas
– Paint the existing change room
– Replace and tidy up the concrete surrounds
– Replace the pump shed. "
further details of this project from the Federal Govt are at
I believe that Glen Eira council can find a 'middle way' to upgrade our community pool at Carnegie that is financially responsible whilst providing for a modern facility for the future.
03 Dec, 2009 01:49 PM
"The Port Pirie City Pool was originally opened on November 18, 1964 .
The facility had reached the end of its useful life and had started to show signs of its age.
More specifically, the pool had dropped at one end, it looked tired, pipe work under the pool used for filtration purposes had corroded and was blocked, tiles on the floor of the pool had constantly lifted, and the pool was leaking a significant amount of water.
Port Pirie Regional Council formed a working party comprising a representative from the Port Pirie Swimming Club, the contract manager of the pool, elected members and council staff to investigate the options for the pool and to report back to council on their recommendations.
The working party’s report said council was not in a financial position to replace the pool completely and therefore recommended a call for expression of interests to undertake a major refurbishment of the existing pool.
Council subsequently called for expression of interests for this project in December, 2008. At the same time, the Australian Government announced its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program which would see Port Pirie Regional Council receive $635,000 for eligible projects. Council resolved to use these funds exclusive for the refurbishment of the City pool.
The refurbishment includes:
– Relining the 50m pool in a water-tight manner
– Provide a level deck edge
– Instal new inlet and return lines
– Renew or replace existing balance tank
– Maintain an accredited 50m pool
– Provide seven lanes in about a 15m width
– Provide better access to the pool, via steps, to those with limited mobility
The successful contractor has placed a new aluminium “Murtha” pool into the existing concrete shell of the old pool.
While council is using the existing pool structure, the end result will be a new modern pool. In fact, the “Murtha” pool being installed at Port Pirie is no different from a large number that have been installed in greenfield sites around the world, including at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games.
The total cost of this project is about $986,000 with council receiving a $635,000 grant from the Australian Government as part of its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. The project commenced at the end of the 2008-09 swimming season and will be completed ready for the start of the 2009-10 season.
In addition to the refurbishment, council will also take the opportunity to complete a number of other minor improvements around the city pool including:
– Provision of additional shaded areas
– Paint the existing change room
– Replace and tidy up the concrete surrounds
– Replace the pump shed. "
further details of this project from the Federal Govt are at
I believe that Glen Eira council can find a 'middle way' to upgrade our community pool at Carnegie that is financially responsible whilst providing for a modern facility for the future.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Carnegie Pool - the future is unwritten?

"During the community consultation it was clear that the community favoured the retention of both the Carnegie and East Bentleigh swim centres and although Council has not formed any pre-determined view, its preference is to retain aquatic facilities at both Carnegie and East Bentleigh"
One of the issues I feel needs to be resolved in Glen Eira is the uncertain future of the Carnegie Pool.
At present councils only committment is it provide funding ( at least 210k this year ) to keep it open while GESAC is being built down at Bentleigh .
What happens after that? It will either be closed or updated.
In last years election I campaigned strongly for a new modern seasonal facility that would compliment Bentleigh.
In the new year I will be pressing for council to plan for this future.
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